
June 26, 2012

Food for the Backcountry

My absolute favorite type of elk hunting is backcountry DIY (Do-It-Yourself). In my opinion, no other type of hunt requires more preparation, effort, planning, and reward […]
March 13, 2012

Long Range Hunting

Long range rifle shooting (and hunting) is gaining popularity fast. The tools and information needed to be accurate at longer distances are becoming readily available to […]
July 13, 2011

DIY Gear – Top 3

As a bivy style hunter I spend several nights on the mountain every year. Hunting this style takes lots of patience and a drive to go […]
April 25, 2011

Shed Antler Tactics

Itching to Get Out? Ooh here we go! This is one of my favorite times of the year. The snow is steadily melting, the streams are […]
October 23, 2010

2010 DIY Back Country Elk

I began preparing for this hunt a couple of days in advance, but this time it was going to be a little different. My wife, Meagon, […]
June 27, 2010

Keep It Simple

Keep it simple I am probably the most accident prone person I know. Anything that can happen will happen. My motto is to “keep it simple”. […]