July 20, 2012

Gear Failures

“I surely would have killed that bull, but this, that, or the other thing went wrong!” How many times have you been a part of a […]
July 11, 2012

Bivy Hunting Gear List

I mentioned in an earlier article that bivy hunting techniques and strategies are best learned by experience, trials, and errors. The same can be said of […]
June 4, 2012

Bivy Hunting for Elk

Bivouac: (bɪv.u.æk), (bɪv.wæk) – Noun -An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering, with few facilities, as used by soldiers, mountaineers, etc. Bivouac style […]
May 29, 2012

Hunting Pressured Elk

Being successful in OTC, DIY, public land elk units is a wonderful subject line that could likely be expanded into a multi-volume set! I will, however, […]
April 6, 2012

Huntin’ Horns

March 17th, 2012 was one of my favorite horn hunting (antler hunting) days ever. Klay Nelson, a friend from work, and I left town shortly after […]
March 26, 2012

Tactics for Shed Hunting

Shed hunting is addicting. The fresh air and wide open spaces of the mountains draws me like a bug to a fluorescent light. Add randomly dropped […]
March 19, 2012

Elk Calls 101

What to look for in a call and why Now that I’ve been calling for a couple of decades, I hope to share with you some […]
January 27, 2012

The Life of a Bull Elk

In early summer, around the first of June, cow elk give birth. Each cow typically has a single calf, which can stand on wobbly legs by […]
December 12, 2011

Planning For Next Season

2010 and 2011 were rough years. My chronic back trouble flared up with a vengeance in the fall of 2010 and left me with permanent nerve […]
November 29, 2011

Learning From Failing

Every year, thousands and thousands of elk hunters will take to the mountains with big dreams and lofty aspirations of putting their tag on the bull […]
October 24, 2011

2011 Colorado Archery Hunt

My hunting partner, Donnie Drake, and I began the long drive to southern Colorado, anticipating the screaming bugles we’d been deprived of the last 11 months. […]