June 22, 2010

Shooting Practice for Elk Hunting

If you have followed any of my posts on conditioning, I talk often about varying different aspects of your workouts. Well, you can apply the same […]
June 6, 2010

Working toward Elk Season

This time of year while talking to friends, I frequently hear the comment ” I cant wait till elk season”! And that gets me thinking “why […]
March 18, 2010

Boise RMEF Banquet

The Boise Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will be holding their annual banquet on Saturday April 3rd. For anyone interested in attending, please see […]
February 28, 2010

No Calling Partner?

No doubt the best strategy of calling elk involves 2 people. One shooter and a caller positioned strategically behind the shooter attempting to call the elk […]
February 19, 2010

Hung-up on Bull Elk

Every season we look back and reflect upon what we could have done differently on a particular elk hunt. The scenario goes like this – ” […]
February 5, 2010

Calling for success

The year was 1989, I was fifteen and wanted to hunt elk with a bow. My Dad had long since lost his drive to “beat the brush” as he called it. So I was on my own. Being an avid hunter I wanted to take advantage of the early season that archery hunting offered. I new nothing about calling elk. My best friend Randy ( now my brother in-law) Wise also wanted to get involved. We made a pact. We would learn to call elk no matter what the obstacles , we would learn.