
January 27, 2012

The Life of a Bull Elk

In early summer, around the first of June, cow elk give birth. Each cow typically has a single calf, which can stand on wobbly legs by […]
December 12, 2011

Planning For Next Season

2010 and 2011 were rough years. My chronic back trouble flared up with a vengeance in the fall of 2010 and left me with permanent nerve […]
November 30, 2011

Extreme Elk Magazine Update

Content for Issue #1 has been submitted to the designer and is being laid out as you read this! We have some awesome stories from Alberta, Montana, Utah, […]
November 29, 2011

Learning From Failing

Every year, thousands and thousands of elk hunters will take to the mountains with big dreams and lofty aspirations of putting their tag on the bull […]
October 24, 2011

2011 Colorado Archery Hunt

My hunting partner, Donnie Drake, and I began the long drive to southern Colorado, anticipating the screaming bugles we’d been deprived of the last 11 months. […]
October 24, 2011

Hunting the Rut

I always enjoy hunt talk and my favorite topic has to be elk hunting during the rut. September is a special time for us bowhunters and […]
September 21, 2011

Meat Care in the Field

The shot was good, the blood trail was wide, and your bull is on the ground!  Now what?  The simple answer is: Get the animal/meat taken […]
August 29, 2011

Decoys for Elk

The sage crackled and released its pungent scent with each step through the low-lying shrubs. An occasional bugle drifted toward us through the blackness which taxed […]
August 23, 2011

Aggressive Elk Calling

I mopped my brow as I descended the steep and unforgiving ridge  in the hot midday sun.  My purpose for subjecting myself to this torture is no more […]
August 23, 2011

Solo Elk Hunting

I had always dreamed of hunting elk out west. Coming from a small town in Michigan the closest I came to hearing a bugling bull growing […]
August 13, 2011

Calling Big Bulls!

It is awesome to think that we are about a month away from the start of the rut. What a magical, unforgettable time of year it […]