
November 26, 2012

3 Mistakes Elk Hunters Make

There are countless ways to mess up an elk hunt, and through the years, I keep thinking I’ve made most of them. Each year, however, I […]
November 19, 2012

Rifle Elk Hunting on Public Land

I will never forget my crosshairs bouncing around the spike’s vital area when I was only twelve years old.  That was 23 years ago, and I […]
November 5, 2012

The Perfect Elk Cartridge

Many elk hunters seek the perfect elk cartridge – the one that will lay the smack down and never fail them in any conditions they may […]
October 29, 2012

Early Season Elk Tactics

With fire in his eyes the big bull stopped a mere 8 feet away! My heart was now in my throat and was seemingly choking me […]
October 17, 2012

#1 Tip for Elk Hunting Success

Dirk Durham When I think of elk hunting advice to pass on to others, I can’t help but recommend persistence. Whether you are fine-tuning your skills at […]
August 14, 2012

Gutting & Quartering Basics

Every year during seminars and shows, I get asked, “How do you gut an Elk?” My quick response is, “I don’t!” It is a great lead-in […]
August 14, 2012

Scouting with Trail Cameras

It’s that exciting time of year for elk lovers. The mature bulls are really looking great by now and giving us a real good indication of […]
July 20, 2012

Gear Failures

“I surely would have killed that bull, but this, that, or the other thing went wrong!” How many times have you been a part of a […]
July 11, 2012

Bivy Hunting Gear List

I mentioned in an earlier article that bivy hunting techniques and strategies are best learned by experience, trials, and errors. The same can be said of […]
June 26, 2012

Food for the Backcountry

My absolute favorite type of elk hunting is backcountry DIY (Do-It-Yourself). In my opinion, no other type of hunt requires more preparation, effort, planning, and reward […]
June 20, 2012

Elk Country Fitness and Nutrition

I love this quote from Cameron Hanes: “Every day you spend in inactivity, you are getting weaker. Every day that the elk moves through the high […]
June 4, 2012

Bivy Hunting for Elk

Bivouac: (bɪv.u.æk), (bɪv.wæk) – Noun -An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering, with few facilities, as used by soldiers, mountaineers, etc. Bivouac style […]