Bulls (and WOLF) of 2009…Brandon Miller & Jeremy Nesset – Idaho Elk
My good friend and college roommate, Brandon Miller, sent me these pictures of his Idaho wolf shot last week in north-central Idaho.

Brandon Miller's Idaho Wolf
Brandon, and good friend Jeremy Nesset, also sent these pictures of the big elk they shot during their rifle elk hunt this fall. Jeremy recapped the elk hunt as follows:
“Fri – scouted all day… just 5 days earlier the bulls were screaming. The cold front and increased “traffic” left most bulls quiet. We spent the evening glassing across a large canyon. We spotted 8 bulls, one was around 340 and one 320.
Sat – opening morning – we hiked in about 6 miles and luckily were the only ones parked to go back in there. We split up and didn’t make it 10 minutes before Brandon and Laith came into a herd with 5 bulls… Brandon saw his and popped it at about 300 yards (scored 290). Brad and I met up with him and helped him get it situated before continuing our hunt. Plenty of elk around… I passed on some small bulls… a 5pt, several forked horns and spikes. We met up and starting packing the meat out at around noon. We were back with the first round at about 4pm and decided we’d go drive to the other side of the canyon and glass again so we could hunt the morning and make the second trip for the meat. We only saw one bull, but he was a 330 – 340 bull off by himself.
Sun – A bit colder, 3 degrees. We spent the morning looking for the bigger bull, but never saw an elk. The amount of people was disappointing. The main arterial road had rigs scattered every 200-300 yards. What used to be bugling bulls running around now looked like Boise the day of a Donkey State home game. We packed the last bit of meat out and headed to a new area with limited access… for a reason. We ended up finding a small 6 pt, but he wasn’t big enough to go after. Our standards lowered considerably after seeing how many people were out… one gate had 8 rigs for a point of reference.
Mon – A warm spell, 12 degrees. We headed to a completely new area. Hiking around a skid road, came around the corner and a herd of elk was feeding ahead of us about 100 yards. There was a 6pt, 5pt, and a raghorn in the group. The 6 point had great fronts and a great frame, but his tops were almost non-existent. Decided to pass. Heard a bull bugle up the canyon. Hiked another mile until something caught my eye. About 75yds away was the 6×7 in the pics (grossed 278). He had no idea we were there. Knowing I was heading to Seattle for meetings in the morning, it was a quick decision and I popped him. Brandon and I made 2 trips and had the elk out by 3:30.

Brandon Miller's Idaho Elk

Jeremy Nesset's Idaho Elk
Congrats guys!