Bulls of 2009….Cory Chilton’s Big Elk
Cory Chilton came out to Idaho from Iowa for a DIY, public land archery elk hunt and took his first elk ever!
“Here is a pic of my 2009 6X6 bull taken at 9:30 AM on 9-19-09 in Idaho on public lands. He came in screaming to a few soft cow calls, offered a 30 yard quartering to broadside shot from my Bowtech Guardian and a Montec tipped gold tip 7595shaft, and was recovered 170 yards away by 11:30 AM. No instant replay on my hunt, but we heard him groan about 10 min after the shot! I waited 2 hours to take up the trail and found him hooked on a tree on the downhill side of the game trail! I owe that tree big time! We had a five mile pack back to camp with about 8 loads including cape and head,and managed to get all meat,cape and head home to Iowa without any spoilage! This is my first elk ever, after starting to elk hunt back in 2006. I don’t know score yet but was told he would go around 320! But it doesn’t really matter. He is a Trophy to me anyday.”

Cory Chilton's Big Bull Elk

Another view of Cory's elk