Top 5 Stealth Cam captures – 2017 Elk Season

Hi, my name is Corey, and I’m addicted to trail cameras. Seriously, these things are so much fun! I am almost giddy walking in to check on my trail cams, filled with anticipation of what might be waiting on there….and what might be waiting over the next ridge!
I upgraded my entire trail camera line to Stealth Cams, and I absolutely love them! They are small, so easy to program (think pre-set settings), and work flawlessly. I have 8 Stealth Cam trail cameras now, and I’ve never had a single issue with any of them. Plus, they take AA batteries, and the batteries last a long time.
I picked up the last of my “elk season” trail cameras a couple weeks ago, and wanted to share the Top 5 images/videos that my trail cameras were able to capture this season. Keep in mind that I am not a “trophy hunter”, so my cameras aren’t used as a tool to find the biggest elk, etc. I use the trail cameras to help me see a bigger picture of what is going on in an area, not necessarily where the biggest elk is. Although, I do like it when I see big bulls on my cameras!
So, as I share these Top 5 captures from this elk season, keep in mind they aren’t ranked according to size of animals, but more for the story that each picture or video tells. I’ll start with #5, and work my way to #1. At the bottom, be sure to leave a comment and tell me which capture you liked best. I’ll randomly select one of the comments to receive a free Stealth Cam trail camera!
The Story Behind #5:
As most of you probably know, my family and I moved to the mountains this summer. After 19 years in Boise, it was time to relocate closer to elk. Well, that was a thought in the back of my mind anyway. School for my kiddos, out of the city, etc., were the primary factors that prompted the move, but having elk nearby was a definite bonus. We rented a condo over the summer as we began construction on our new home. I decided to use a handful of trail cameras on our property, more to monitor human activity and make sure materials and tools didn’t end up walking off. So, I used my 16′ ladder and climbed way up in a Douglas Fir tree to place a Stealth Camera that would be pointed directly at the homesite. We had leveled off the building site that morning, and that very first night, here is what I caught on the camera:
It’s so exciting to meet your neighbors for the first time! It looks like we’re moving into an area with good neighbors for sure!
The Story Behind #4:
This was the first year I really started playing around with videos on my Stealth Cams. And with Stealth Cams new 4K trail camera, it definitely added a level of excitement to be able to get a little more than just a still capture of the elk’s behavior! Plus, the audio on these things is really, really good!
Most of you probably followed along on the Hunt of a Lifetime hunt that we were blessed to cialis sans ordonnance be a part of this fall. 14-year-old Austin came out from Pennsylvania to hunt elk with us for a week, and what an incredible week it was! Donnie and I set up camp 2 days before Austin and his father arrived, and ran up to a wallow we had found last fall to set a trail camera. We didn’t get a chance to check the camera before the hunt ended, but we were excited to see what had been in the area, and stopped on our way back home to pull the camera.
This bull definitely wasn’t the biggest elk on the mountain, but the cool part of the multiple videos we captured of this bull was the fact that just about every video clip showcased a bull bugling in the background. Having audio on a trail camera during the rut is very cool!
Hi, my name is Corey, and I’m addicted to trail cameras. Seriously, these things are so much fun! I am almost giddy walking in to check on my trail cams, filled with anticipation of what might be waiting on there….and what might be waiting over the next ridge!
I upgraded my entire trail camera line to Stealth Cams, and I absolutely love them! They are small, so easy to program (think pre-set settings), and work flawlessly. I have 8 Stealth Cam trail cameras now, and I’ve never had a single issue with any of them. Plus, they take AA batteries, and the batteries last a long time.
I picked up the last of my “elk season” trail cameras a couple weeks ago, and wanted to share the Top 5 images/videos that my trail cameras were able to capture this season. Keep in mind that I am not a “trophy hunter”, so my cameras aren’t used as a tool to find the biggest elk, etc. I use the trail cameras to help me see a bigger picture of what is going on in an area, not necessarily where the biggest elk is. Although, I do like it when I see big bulls on my cameras!
So, as I share these Top 5 captures from this elk season, keep in mind they aren’t ranked according to size of animals, but more for the story that each picture or video tells. I’ll start with #5, and work my way to #1. At the bottom, be sure to leave a comment and tell me which capture you liked best. I’ll randomly select one of the comments to receive a free Stealth Cam trail camera!
The Story Behind #5:
As most of you probably know, my family and I moved to the mountains this summer. After 19 years in Boise, it was time to relocate closer to elk. Well, that was a thought in the back of my mind anyway. School for my kiddos, out of the city, etc., were the primary factors that prompted the move, but having elk nearby was a definite bonus. We rented a condo over the summer as we began construction on our new home. I decided to use a handful of trail cameras on our property, more to monitor human activity and make sure materials and tools didn’t end up walking off. So, I used my 16′ ladder and climbed way up in a Douglas Fir tree to place a Stealth Camera that would be pointed directly at the homesite. We had leveled off the building site that morning, and that very first night, here is what I caught on the camera:
It’s so exciting to meet your neighbors for the first time! It looks like we’re moving into an area with good neighbors for sure!
The Story Behind #4:
This was the first year I really started playing around with videos on my Stealth Cams. And with Stealth Cams new 4K trail camera, it definitely added a level of excitement to be able to get a little more than just a still capture of the elk’s behavior! Plus, the audio on these things is really, really good!
Most of you probably followed along on the Hunt of a Lifetime hunt that we were blessed to cialis sans ordonnance be a part of this fall. 14-year-old Austin came out from Pennsylvania to hunt elk with us for a week, and what an incredible week it was! Donnie and I set up camp 2 days before Austin and his father arrived, and ran up to a wallow we had found last fall to set a trail camera. We didn’t get a chance to check the camera before the hunt ended, but we were excited to see what had been in the area, and stopped on our way back home to pull the camera.
This bull definitely wasn’t the biggest elk on the mountain, but the cool part of the multiple videos we captured of this bull was the fact that just about every video clip showcased a bull bugling in the background. Having audio on a trail camera during the rut is very cool!