#PROJECTSUCCESS Survey Results and Winners

I am completely overwhelmed by the incredible response to our initial #PROJECTSUCCESS Elk Hunting Survey! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and provided input. I have over 10,000 elk hunting questions to sort through and organize into a useful discussion!!!
In the meantime, here is a summary of the survey responses, and a list of the ten random winners of the gear giveaways. Additionally, here are a few things I found interesting from the results:
- There is over 40,000 years of elk hunting experience and 17,000 elk harvested within these survey results!
- The average elk hunting experience for successful elk hunters is 15 years, but only 1/4 of those hunters feel they are consistently successful.
- Physical Conditioning ranked lower than Scouting among Consistently Successful Elk Hunters.
- Using Elk Calls was near the bottom of the list of importance for Consistently Successful Elk Hunters.
- Inconsistently Successful Elk Hunters ranked “Locating Elk” and “Planning Your Hunt” above “Elk Hunting Knowledge” in terms of importance.
- The average number of years Successful Elk Hunters hunted before being successful was 4 years. The average number of seasons Unsuccessful Elk Hunters have hunted is 3.9 years..HANG IN THERE! 🙂
- 88% of Elk Hunters who have Never Elk Hunted Before plan to go elk hunting within the next 3 years!
What do you think of these results? I’d love to hear your comments at the bottom of the page. Stay tuned for the upcoming discussions on these results, and be sure to invite all of your friends who might find this project interesting!
And Congratulations to the following winners from the survey giveaways!
- Vortex Binos – Carl Jorgensen
- Elk Call Combo – Mike Tangeman
- Elk Call Diaphragm 2-pack – Brandon Hatfield
- Elk Call Diaphragm 2-pack – Dan Fahey
- Elk Call Diaphragm 2-pack – Christian Ervin
- OnXMaps Mobile App – Jeff Fishburn
- OnXMaps Mobile App – Cliff Goytowski
- OnXMaps Mobile App – Travis Cove
- OnXMaps Mobile App – Richard Roller
- OnXMaps Mobile App – Bill Shetley