From the very beginning, Elk101.com has been focused on providing high-quality elk hunting content. The platform has continued to evolve, but there has always been an emphasis on elk hunting instruction aimed at providing fellow elk hunters – and future elk hunters – with the tools they need to be confident and successful. I am excited today to announce the launch of a brand a new “project” from Elk101.com – #PROJECTSUCCESS. I am confident this new project will provide elk hunting information and instruction in a way that no other resource has ever done. And the reason I am so confident it will, is because it will involve YOU!
Honestly, the name says it all. I couldn’t come up with a really cool, creative name for the project, so I went with something more traditional. My goal is to increase your success as an elk hunter and it’s a project that I envision will continue to evolve and take shape over the next several months. So, I called it #PROJECTSUCCESS. I know, the name is boring…but I don’t think the content is going to be. Regardless of how much elk hunting experience or success you’ve had in the past, the purpose of this project is to help you become better. And I truly feel that every elk hunter has room to improve!
My vision for #PROJECTSUCCESS is that it will become a universal resource that will answer the questions and concerns YOU have regarding elk hunting. If you’ve never been elk hunting but dream of one day going, you have questions. If you didn’t, you would have already gone. If you’ve been elk hunting but never harvested an elk, you have questions – lots of questions! If you’ve been elk hunting and managed to kill an elk or two along the way, you have questions. If you didn’t, you would be killing an elk every year. And lastly, if you kill an elk every time you step into the woods, you have questions. OK, you likely have more answers than you do questions at this point, but I want to tap into both!
#PROJECTSUCCESS will be a landing point within Elk101.com for you to come to learn to become a better elk hunter. I will be asking you to provide the questions that are keeping YOU from achieving the elk hunting success you desire. Then, I will be tackling those questions and providing YOU with answers to YOUR questions. The benefit of #PROJECTSUCCESS is that someone else might ask a question you’d never even considered – or didn’t want to ask – and the answer to that question might be the missing piece in your personal elk hunting success puzzle. Plus, you (and everyone else) will be able to comment and provide answers or additional questions on each subject that have the possibility of spawning more elk hunting-related content.
#PROJECTSUCCESS will not be a bragging board. It isn’t about ego or trying to convince anyone that someone else is the greatest elk hunter to ever live. It is simply about bringing years of elk hunting knowledge and experience into one central location to become a resource for anyone looking to learn or improve. If that is you…you’ve come to the right place!
OK, I’m Interested…Where Do I Start?
I have an idea of what I feel it takes for me to be successful as an elk hunter. It’s a formula that I’ve personally honed for over 30 years, and one that I continue to tweak and add to every time I step into the elk woods. But I don’t expect you to hunt exactly like me. I want you to be able to put together your own elk hunting formula that fits your style and your expectations. Because of that, you will be the one driving the direction of the content.
Any questions you are looking for answers to will be fair game. If I don’t have the answers, I will find them for you and bring them here to #PROJECTSUCCESS. How do I get elk tags, what state should I hunt in, how do I scout, what do I look for when scouting, what if I can’t scout before season, how do I learn use elk calls, how do I improve my elk calling, how do I call-in elk, how do I control my nerves, how do I learn to follow a bloodtrail, how do I get that huge elk back to civilization….you get the picture. And this is just the start. I anticipate beginning with some of the more common questions and challenges that the majority of elk hunters have, then dissecting them down into more acute, detailed discussions on detailed elk hunting information. Are you ready to get started?
Since #PROJECTSUCCESS is your project, I need your input. And since I’m asking you to provide something to get it started, I’m going to kick this off with more free gear giveaways. I have created a VERY SHORT survey that I need your input on. It will take you less than 3 minutes to complete, but I don’t expect you to give something to me without an opportunity to get something in return. So, just for taking the survey, I will be giving free elk hunting gear to TEN (10) random participants – Vortex binoculars, elk calls from Bugling Bull Game Calls, and mapping software from OnXMaps!
If you’re ready to join me on this exciting elk hunting project and improve your elk hunting success, click the image below to take the survey. Then, stay tuned for frequent content updates and more opportunities to provide your questions and input (and win free gear)!