PODCASTS are the new rage, and we're fortunate to have several Pro Staff members involved in Hunting Podcasts. Elk101.com is proud to endorse the following PODCASTS:


The Gritty Bowmen are a group of friends with a passion for bowhunting and outdoor filmmaking. They make movies of their archery hunts and do the occasional podcast/interview with people who share some of the same passion for wildlife and the outdoors.

CLICK HERE to to subscribe to the GRITTY BOWMEN podcasts on iTunes, or watch the video of the Podcasts below!

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Hunt Talk Radio, Randy Newberg Unfiltered is a podcast covering hunting politics, public lands, and conservation topics; even a few things you didn’t need to know. The best hunters you’ve never heard of join Randy to answer questions from the Hunt Talk web forum, share ideas, reveal tactics, and give perspectives unique to public land hunting.

CLICK HERE to to subscribe and listen to RANDY NEWBERG, UNFILTERED podcasts on iTunes